Saturday , 29 March 2025

Tag Archives: Faulkton

Knowledge about Common Core not so common

As Common Core standards started going into effect in Dakota classrooms this fall, state education leaders probably expected to spend some time explaining what the standards are. But Ryan Townsend, director of academic standards for the N.D. Department of Public Instruction, said he’s spent a lot of time lately explaining what the standards are not. “A lot of it is based on misinformation, unfortunately,” he said. Read More »

Two Dakotas follow different paths on Medicaid expansion

INFOGRAPHIC: How does Obamacare affect your pocketbook?

The two Dakotas are similar in many respects, but at least for now have fallen on two different sides of this issue. With North Dakota enacting the Medicaid expansion, how will the two states fare differently if South Dakota does not expand Medicaid? Check out two infographics to see how Obamacare would affect you and your state. Read More »

Electronic health records show promise, but work remains

electronic health records

Area hospitals transitioning to electronic health records (EHRs) are making progress, and their administrators say they are confident that they are providing or will eventually provide better care with EHRs, but the process hasn’t been without significant headaches—and there’s still a ways to go before EHRs reach the comfort level of those corner-worn manila files. Read More »

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