Tuesday , 22 October 2024

Tag Archives: transmission line

FiredUp: My view of the transmission line

Erik Losure, 5, and Sofia Losure, 7, stop during a bike ride to enjoy the colors of a beautiful Dakota sunset. In less than 10 years, a transmission line is slated to be built in that sunset view. Photo by Heidi Marttila-Losure

I was walking along a gravel road near my home recently, thinking about a phone call I had received the evening before. A representative for a power company had asked if my sister and I had thought more about the proposal he had showed us. I didn’t really know what to tell him. The Big Stone South to Ellendale transmission ... Read More »

Public hearing in Groton concerns proposed Big Stone South to Ellendale Transmission Route

One hundred fifty to one hundred seventy five miles of transmission line is being planned somewhere in the Dakotas. The Big Stone South to Ellendale route is in the running as an option. A public hearing was held Monday at the Groton High School gym as members from Otter Tail Electric and Montana Dakota Utilities, the owners of the project, were on hand to visit with landowners. Read More »

Proposed transmission line meeting is Feb. 27 in Webster

The two regional utility companies hoping to build a proposed 435 KV high voltage electrical transmission line between Big Stone and Ellendale, ND will be in town next week with a proposed project update. Last October, Montana Dakota Utilities and Otter Tail Power Co. held an open house in Webster where they unveiled a three-state study corridor to run a 150-175 mile line depending on the route taken. Read More »

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