Friday , 26 July 2024


Fired Up! Editors' Blog

Fired Up: Gearing up to go local

Just seven?! As I plan for going “hardcore” local in the Dakota Local Food Challenge, that’s the first seemingly insurmountable task. How can I narrow down the exceptions to the local food rule to just seven? Here’s what I have so far. You’ll notice I’m stretching the definition of an “item” a bit already. Coffee. Non-negotiable. Salt and spices. I ... Read More »

FiredUp: It’s a new year. Let’s edit our Dakota story.

The stories we tell ourselves are based in reality—but they are not reality. They are one interpretation of events, one way to look at what has happened to us and who we are. It’s not about “fact” versus “fiction”—facts themselves have little power over us. What shapes our lives are the stories we tell about those facts. Read More »

FiredUp: My view of the transmission line

Erik Losure, 5, and Sofia Losure, 7, stop during a bike ride to enjoy the colors of a beautiful Dakota sunset. In less than 10 years, a transmission line is slated to be built in that sunset view. Photo by Heidi Marttila-Losure

I was walking along a gravel road near my home recently, thinking about a phone call I had received the evening before. A representative for a power company had asked if my sister and I had thought more about the proposal he had showed us. I didn’t really know what to tell him. The Big Stone South to Ellendale transmission ... Read More »

FiredUp: Wearing many hats is the country way

Just when I think the urban-rural divide isn’t as wide as it once was—the UPS truck can deliver Amazon packages to skyscrapers or machine sheds, and we all have way too many channels on TV—I see something that points out we’re still not always understanding one another. So, in the interest of bridge-building, here’s a little translation. Jim Romanesko, a ... Read More »

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