Monday , 16 September 2024

Blog Archives

SEEDS OF WISDOM: An island of grass and healthy land

Watch the winds wiggle and bend grasses on an open plain. It’s a rhythmic response on the ground to moving air. This movement, this dance, has been stilled on more than 235,000 square miles of North America. Grasslands have been steadily destroyed during the past century and a half, and that destruction accelerated in recent years as industrial corn and soybean farming spread across the land. Read More »

Knowing what to measure

For years, if you had asked me how I measured wealth, I’d have had a ready answer: time, books and berries in the freezer. Money was nice, sure, but for me the first three offered a more direct route to happiness. Read More »

Expanding the meaning of wealth

Is your community wealthy? How you answer that question depends very much on how you define “wealth.” You might picture as a wealthy community a place like Vail, Colo., or the skyscrapers around Central Park in New York City—places with luxury that reflects the full bank accounts of the people who live there. Read More »

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