Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: Dakota

Dakotafire seeks images from artists, photographers

South Dakota gravel road during a mild winter. Photo by Heidi Marttila-Losure.

Every other issue of Dakotafire magazine features a section called “Perspective.” The goal of this section is to highlight a scene or work of art that shows some insight into Dakota life. The section also includes space for the artist or photographer to share a little bit about his or her perspective on the world, and more specifically how he ... Read More »

FiredUp: It’s a new year. Let’s edit our Dakota story.

The stories we tell ourselves are based in reality—but they are not reality. They are one interpretation of events, one way to look at what has happened to us and who we are. It’s not about “fact” versus “fiction”—facts themselves have little power over us. What shapes our lives are the stories we tell about those facts. Read More »

Farmers markets sprout, take root

Delores and Nelson Bloomquist have been participating in the local farmers market since 1997 selling everything from flower bouquets, shown above, to tomatoes, potatoes, decorative corn and pumpkins and every vegetable that can be grown in South Dakota as well as raspberries and apples. Photo by Kimberly Harrington/Clark County Courier

Communities across the nation, including dozens in the Dakotas, are joining in a growing nationwide trend of forming markets with a very short farmer-to-consumer transportation system: goods go straight from the farmer’s hands to the consumer’s. Read More »

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