Wednesday , 22 January 2025
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In a 2013 report from the Department of Health, South Dakota ranked lowest in the nation in vegetable consumption and in the bottom five in fruit consumption, explained Karlys Wells, SDSU Extension Family Nutrition Program Associate.

SDSU Extension & S.D. Dept. of Health Provides Free Educational Materials to Grocery Stores

by SDSU Extension, Brookings, S.D.

In a 2013 report from the Department of Health, South Dakota ranked lowest in the nation in vegetable consumption and in the bottom five in fruit consumption, explained Karlys Wells, SDSU Extension Family Nutrition Program Associate. 

“Almost 40 percent of those surveyed report consuming fruits less than one time daily while 26 percent reporting consuming less than one vegetable daily. The median intake of fruits is 1.0 time a day and of vegetables 1.4 times per day,” Wells said. 

Since high intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with good health, increasing consumption is a goal of the South Dakota Department of Health and SDSU Extension nutrition programs. To help increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, the two organizations have partnered to provide free educational materials on fruits and vegetables to grocery store produce departments and farmer’s markets. 

Local fruits and vegetables vendors are being invited to distribute these print and video materials monthly to educate shoppers about the selection, preparation, and health benefits of fresh produce, as well as canned and frozen options.  

SDSU Extension has created a collection of educational resources called Harvest of the Month: Pick it! Try it! Like it! featuring 46 different produce items that can be grown in South Dakota. These include:

·        a variety of 5 ½” X 8 ½” rack cards which contain consumer selection information plus a simple and low-cost recipe

·        produce area signs – large (8 ½” X 11″) and small (5 ½” X 8 ½”)

·        a video showing the recipe being prepared

View the series at

The South Dakota Department of Health is providing funding to supply quantities of these materials for distribution in South Dakota grocery produce departments and farmer’s markets.  

Grocery stores and farmer’s market vendors who would like to participate and receive a free monthly set of recipe rack cards, signs, and videos, may complete a request using the secure link:

In exchange for the free materials, partnering stores and markets are asked to sponsor one of the following:

·        A sampling table with the fresh produce offered for tasting;

·        A prepared sample of the rack card recipe, show the video as a feature in the produce area; or

·        Offer a monthly drawing for a customer to win free produce, or provide a coupon or in-store discount.

The Harvest of the Month/Pick it! Try it! Like it! campaign will address the issue of low fruit and vegetable consumption in South Dakota.

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