Wednesday , 23 October 2024
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FiredUp: Agriculture No. 1 on a list of industries losing jobs
Farmers top the list of "dying" jobs, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report. (Photo by

FiredUp: Agriculture No. 1 on a list of industries losing jobs

The agriculture industry is slated to lose 96,100 between now and 2020, which puts in at the top of a Bureau of Labor Statistics list of industries most likely to lose jobs in the next decade.

This is not, of course, news to those in farm country: With mechanization, fewer farmers are needed, and in large part rural community populations have declined in parallel to the loss of farmers.

Also in dire straights job-wise are Postal Service workers, switchboard operators, sewing machine operators, and fast food cooks.

Take note of the last line in the Huffington Post story about the BLS report:

But some of the jobs on the most-decline list may defy easy explanation. The fast food cook occupation category is expected to lose 19.100 jobs, even as fast food chains are extending their late night hours to meet customer demand, according to the Wall Street Journal.

There are fewer farmers growing America’s food, but Americans are apparently still pretty good at eating it, all around the clock.

Sidenote: The Huffington Post writer also chose a barefoot farmer for the image of agricultural jobs. Folks, how many farmers do you know who work barefoot? Most of the farmers I know are far too practical to take a chance at getting tetanus.

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