Saturday , 7 September 2024


Mediation services give farmers options

Paul Shubeck has been a mediator in South Dakota for 25 years. Photo by Greg Latza

By Lana Bandoim   What happens when farm family members can’t agree about what to do with a family business or an inheritance? Both North and South Dakota offer mediation services than can help two parties resolve their issues. Mediation is a negotiation that is conducted by a neutral third party. Jodi Bechard, director of Mediation and Ag Finance Counseling ... Read More »

STUDY: South Dakota on low end of participation in farm-to-school programs; North Dakota near national average

(NPN) – Though one of the most agriculture-dependent states in the nation, South Dakota is among a group of states that have the lowest percentage of schools participating in farm-to-school activities, according a new USDA report. Twenty-four percent of South Dakota school districts that reported to the USDA said they had some sort of farm-to-school activity. Only six schools or ... Read More »

Commodity prices down from a year ago

Although many areas in South Dakota are still suffering from the effects of last year's drought and are in need of more rain, overall conditions are much better than last year and that has impacted the markets, said Darrell R. Mark, Adjunct Professor of Economics South Dakota State University. Read More »

Cool weather expected to stay awhile

The latest update to the August climate outlook was released this week, with a forecast of cooler than average temperatures for most of South Dakota. Rainfall forecasts show no clear leaning toward wetter, drier or near normal for the next month, said Laura Edwards, SDSU Extension Climate Field Specialist. Read More »

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