Monday , 17 March 2025
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Dakotafire Café: A new gathering place for good ideas (launching today!)

Dakotafire Café: A new gathering place for good ideas (launching today!)

Almost every little town has a little coffee shop where people gather to talk and, some will tell you, solve the world’s problems (if only anyone would listen!).
Dakotafire Café brings that problem-solving conversation online so we can have it regionwide.

This is where we can look up over our newspapers, magazines or devices and talk about the issues presented in Dakotafire’s stories and how these new ideas might apply to us and our communities. We also will ask for your feedback on topics we are thinking of covering in the future.

Dakotafire Café is based on a platform called MindMixer, which aims to make it easy and fun for the public to engage in civic questions. As described on the MindMixer website, “MindMixer has changed the culture of engagement in communities across the country, helping citizens become active contributors to community-driven conversations and initiatives.”

As participants suggest new ideas or comment on others’ ideas, they earn points, which can be redeemed for prizes.

It’s a bring-your-own-beverage café—but trust us, the talk around the table is worth it!

Join us at


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