Wednesday , 23 October 2024
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Faulkton entrepreneur: Chad Homan, Homan Welding
Chad Homan, co-owner of Homan Welding. Photo by Troy McQuillen

Faulkton entrepreneur: Chad Homan, Homan Welding

Chad Homan, co-owner of Homan Welding. Photo by Troy McQuillen


Chad Homan explains the beginning of his business this way: “My brother Brian and I decided to start a business together, and we wanted to do something that we both liked and would properly showcase the talents the good Lord gave us.”

Homan had worked for a farming operation in Faulkton for 10 years, so that was the choice of a location for them when they decided to start their welding business. “I both like the community and thought there was a need in the area and that we could fill that need,” Homan said.

The agricultural community makes up Homan Welding’s customer base, though they do serve local construction companies and other businesses as well. “Extreme loyalty” from their customers has been vital to helping them build the business to the 10 employees they have today,” Homan said.

“It comes down to trust, really,” he said. “They trust us to take care of their needs. They count on us and we count on them. It a mutually beneficial relationship.”

And, he added, “It doesn’t hurt at all that this is a great community to live in.”


Homan Welding website


See the main story about Faulk County’s support of its entrepreneurs here.


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