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The following is from Christine Sorensen, rural development coordinator for the U. S. Department of Agriculture-Rural Development in Pierre, S.D. Read on for valuable resources for rural communities, including several grant opportunities.

Resources for rural communities, October 29, 2014

The following is from Christine Sorensen, rural development coordinator for the U. S. Department of Agriculture-Rural Development in Pierre, S.D. Read on for valuable resources for rural communities, including several grant opportunities.


Cheyenne River Youth Project:  The first Lakota star quilt in this year’s CRYP raffle will be based on this graffiti mural by Minneapolis-based artist Peyton Scott Russell (known professionally as Peyton) Tickets: They are $1 each or $5 for a six-ticket packet.

South Dakota Local Foods Conference:  November 14-15, 2014.  Registration open

State Names Steve Emery As Secretary Of Tribal Relations

Registration opens Nov. 24, 2014 for the 26th Annual MOSES Organic Farming Conference, happening Feb. 26-28, 2015.

Small Business Saturday is Nov. 29:  JOIN IN: Visit to get more ideas on what you can do for the big day.



She Gets Yelled At For Giving Coats To The Homeless. Her Response?

New Project Will Identify and Share Best Nonprofit Management Tactics:  If you are a leader of a nonprofit,  invite you to participate in the survey.  

Community Heart & Soul™ Field Guide, available as a free download, spells out step-by-step how to inspire residents to shape the future of their communities, based on what matters most to them.  Community Heart & Soul™: Building a Blueprint for Successful Small Towns, on Wednesday, Nov. 5.

Overcoming Patient Engagement Barriers: Urban And Rural Success Stories
Video highlighting successful patient engagement programs. Features the High Plains Research Network, which serves eastern rural Colorado, and describes how the network tailors its outreach to the community through the insights of the community members involved in the network. The section on the High Plains Research Network begins at 5:35 in the recording. Date: 09 / 2014

Family farms dominate U.S. agriculture – The United Nations has designated 2014 as the “International Year of Family Farming” to highlight the potential family farmers have to help feed the world. But what is a family farm? A chart can be found in “Family Farming in the United States” in the March 2014 Amber Waves.

Improving Safety on Rural Local and Tribal Roads – Source: National Association of Development Organizations

County unemployment rates reflect patterns established during the recession – During the 2007-09 recession, unemployment rates rose fastest in the West, South, South Atlantic, and parts of the Midwest. A chart is found in the October 2014 edition of Amber Waves.

The Shifting Economics of Global Manufacturing: How Cost Competitiveness Is Changing Worldwide
Four factors are most responsible for the dramatic shifts in manufacturing competitiveness from 2004 to 2014. The factors are now blurring the traditional boundaries between low-cost and high-cost regions.  Full report.

Lessons on Integrating Financial Capability into Youth Employment Programs

The Savings & Financial Capability team at CFED is proud to present their latest report, Building Financial Capability in Youth Employment Programs, a joint publication of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). CFED is also providing technical assistance to local organizations trying to integrate asset building into federal social service programs, developing resources for the field, and sharing lessons learned and promising practices through publications such as practice briefs and case studies. Read More >>>

Collaboration versus Competition: Lessons from a Banker for Hospitals by CRAIG NOLTE
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), hospitals are finding themselves in a similar environment that banks were when the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was passed in 1977. Hospitals now have a clear obligation to the communities (especially under-served ones) they serve through Community Benefits requirements, similar to the way banks are required to serve the needs of low-income communities through the CRA.

2013 Survey of Consumer Finances:  The latest Survey of Consumer Finances 2013 which is sponsored by the Federal Reserve Board was released in September. The full report can be accessed here


WEBINAR: Free Heart & Soul Matters Talk, Nov. 5 is 4-5 p.m., Eastern, Wednesday, Nov. 5. The first 50 to register receive a free, bound copy of the Community Heart & Soul™ Field Guide.

Don’t miss Community Heart & Soul™: Building a Blueprint for Successful Small Towns. Find out about Community Heart & Soul and how the method has led to significant, measurable change in small towns and rural communities. You’ll hear from Orton Executive Director David Leckey on how Heart & Soul leads to real, positive change, and Alece Montez-Griego, director of programs, with an overview of the method. Plus Mike Bestor, city manager, Golden, Colorado, and Delilah Poupore, executive director of Heart of Biddeford, Biddeford, Maine, on how Heart & Soul matters in their towns, with time for Q&A!  Register now»

GAME: New Community Planning Game Attracts Youth

As promotion for its new community planning game, CommunityPlanIt, Emerson College’s Engagement Game Lab highlights the frustration that can come with trying to get to a midweek town hall meeting where ideas are often at risk of getting lost in the crowd.

The EPA is registering the herbicide Enlist Duo with first-time ever restrictions to manage the problem of resistant weeds.  EPA is registering the pesticide in six states:  Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin.  Questions and Answers about this final regulatory decision are available at: .

Oweesta & Christina Finsel Consulting to Hold Native IDA Training:  First Nations Oweesta Corporation and Christina Finsel Consulting will be hosts of a Native IDA training in Denver, Colorado, November 18-19, 2014. It will offer a two-day, state-of-the-art instructor training to help Native CDFIs, tribes and other Native organizations that are hoping to establish a Native IDA (Individual Development Account or matched-savings) program or improve their existing programming efforts. Registration applications will be accepted until October 31, 2014, or until filled.  To learn more, click here

Native Asset-Building Summit is Nov. 12-13:  Register now for the HUD Office of Native American Programs-sponsored “Asset-Building: A Pathway to Economic Self-Determination National Summit” November 12-13, 2014, in St. Paul, Minnesota. Participants will exchange ideas about asset-building in Indian Country and learn strategies that support residents as they move on their path toward self-sufficiency. More information is available at

“Creating Opportunity for Children: How Housing Location Can Make a Difference” states that MOST CHILDREN IN HUD-ASSISTED RENTER HOUSEHOLDS STILL LIVE IN HIGH-POVERTY NEIGHBORHOODS exists in nearly every state and in rural as well as urban areas, though it is most prevalent east of the Mississippi and in California.

RURAL VOICES WONDERS “WHAT DOES AFFORDABLE HOUSING MEAN TO YOU?” The fall issue of HAC’s magazine presents the perspectives of rural families, the challenges they faced when living in unaffordable or substandard conditions, and how they used federal resources to obtain quality housing.  Sign up online for email notices when new issues are published

New Partners for Smart Growth is the largest smart growth conference in the country and this year’s theme is “Practical Tools and Innovative Strategies for Creating Great Communities.” The conference will run from January 29-January 31.


Community Health Worker National Education Collaborative Provides information to assist in the development of community health worker (CHW) college programs, including educational resources, curricula, credentialing, and promising delivery strategies.

National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) Provides access to results for this annual survey focused on substance abuse and mental health issues. Includes information on prevalence and services. Rural-specific data is available in detailed tables that list “geographic characteristics.” Data is also made available by state and for regions within states. Organization: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Assets & Opportunity Initiative Unveils Local Data Center

CFED, in partnership with Citi Community Development, unveiled the Assets & Opportunity Local Data Center. This new tool provides data and information on household financial security at the county and city level, including estimates of household wealth and financial access. Using the Local Data Center’s Mapping Tool, users can drill down to the county or city level to see how residents in their community are faring when it comes to their ability to absorb financial shocks or access safe and affordable financial products and services. To learn more about Family Assets Count, click here. To view the Assets & Opportunity State and Local Data click here


CHS Foundation GrantsApplication deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis.
Awards funding for projects and programs related to rural youth leadership, rural cooperative education, community leadership development, and farm and agriculture safety.

First Nations Development Institute (First Nations) launched the new “First Nations Native Agriculture and Food Systems Scholarship Program” to encourage more Native American college students to enter the agricultural sector in Native communities. Complete information and a link to the online application can be found at All applications must be completed and submitted by 5 p.m. Mountain Standard Time on Monday, November 17, 2014.

NBCCF Military ScholarshipApplication deadline: Nov 15, 2014
Offers a scholarship to a master’s-level counseling student who has experience with military communities and commits to serving military personnel for at least two years after graduation.

Community Assessment and Education to Promote Behavioral Health Planning and Evaluation Phase II (CAPE 2)Application deadline: Nov 19, 2014
Awards funding to land grant institutions to develop and implement innovative early warning systems for emerging community behavioral health issues, such as substance use and abuse; relationship abuse; and mental illness or depression. Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Service Area Competition Funding for Health Center Program (Areas Served with a Project Period Start Date of May 1, 2015)Application deadline: Nov 19, 2014 – Funding to provide comprehensive primary health care services to an under-served area or population. Sponsor: Bureau of Primary Health Care

Wells Fargo and the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Accepting Applications for Community Grants – DEADLINE: December 10, 2014 – Grants of up to $100,000 will be awarded in support of highly visible projects that link economic development and community well-being to the stewardship and health of the environment….

Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries Accepting School Library Grant Applications – DEADLINE: December 15, 2014 – Grants of up to $7,000 will be awarded to help libraries expand, update, and diversify their book collections at schools where 85 percent or more students qualify for free or reduced lunches….

Technical Assistance and Training Grant for Rural Waste SystemsApplication deadline: Dec 31, 2014 – Grants for organizations that assist communities with water or wastewater operations through technical assistance and/or training. Sponsor: USDA Rural Development

Agricultural Safety GrantsApplication deadline: Jan 7, 2015 – Awards funding to local- or regional-level agricultural health and safety intervention projects. Sponsor: Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America

Innovations for Healthy Living – Improving Minority Health and Eliminating Health Disparities (R43)Letter of Intent (Optional): Dec 27, 2014, Application deadline: Jan 27, 2015 – Awards funding to small business concerns (SBCs) to develop a product, process, or service for commercialization that would result in the reduction of disparities in healthcare access and health outcomes. Sponsor: National Institutes of Health 

Middle School Students Invited to Submit Entries for Christopher Columbus Awards – DEADLINE: February 2, 2015 – The program challenges students in grades six to eight to identify a problem in their community and apply the scientific method to create an innovative solution to that problem….

Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association Accepting Applications for Leadership Grant – DEADLINE: February 13, 2015 – A grant of up to $2,500 will be awarded to a nursing program in support of programs that foster the development of leadership skills in nursing students….

Calvert Foundation Loan Program :  Loans to community organizations that act as financial intermediaries, including loan funds, microfinance institutions, affordable housing developers and social enterprises. Application Deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis

Coca-Cola Foundation : Support for water stewardship, healthy active lifestyles, community recycling, and education. Application Deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis

Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Program : Offers funding for Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) to promote economic revitalization in low-income communities. Works to build capacity of programs that serve low-income people who lack access to affordable financial products and services. Application Deadline: Nov 24, 2014

Community Development Transportation Lending Services (CDTLS, the Fund): Community Centers, Health and Human Services and Co-Location Financing.

Provides loan funding to support transit services in rural areas, including community health facilities with a transit component. Application Deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis

Direct Community Investment Program – Provides low-interest loans to organizations or financing intermediaries that give disadvantaged populations access to jobs, housing, education, and health care. Application Deadline: Applications accepted on an ongoing basis.  Sponsor: Catholic Health Initiatives

NCTM Accepting Applications for Grants to Engage Middle School Students in Mathematics – DEADLINE: November 7, 2014 – Grants of up to $3,000 will be awarded to teachers to incorporate middle-school classroom materials or lessons that engage students in math-related tasks and experiences, with the goal of deepening their content knowledge….

Surdna Foundation Accepting Proposals for Artist-Led Social Change Projects – DEADLINE: November 12, 2014 – Grants of up to $150,000 over two years will be awarded in support of compelling projects developed by artists in response to specific challenges in their communities…. Seeks Submissions for K-12 Teach the Planet Challenge – DEADLINE: November 30, 2014 – Four $10,000 prizes and two dozen DonorChoose gift cards will be awarded in support of high-impact hands-on classroom projects that promote sustainability education….

Black Rock Arts Foundation Accepting Applications for Civic Art Projects – DEADLINE: December 1, 2014 (Letters of Inquiry) – Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded for highly interactive, community-driven, collaborative works of art that are accessible to the public and civic in scope….

AONE Foundation for Nursing Leadership Accepting Applications for Small Grants – DEADLINE: December 1, 2014 – Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded in support of research projects that advance innovation as a core competency for all nurse leaders; the provision of quality care in delivery systems grounded in healthful practice environments; and the value of nursing in health care to all stakeholders….

ONS Foundation Accepting Applications for End-of-Life Care Nursing Career Development Award – DEADLINE: June 15, 2015 – A single grant of $2,500 will be awarded to support continuing educational activities for a registered nurse dedicated to caring for patients and their families during the final stages of life….

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for AmeriCorps grants in FY 2015.

The Wellmark Foundation provides support to non-profit organizations and public entities to help local communities establish or expand health initiatives.

The 2015 funding focus of the Foundation is wellness and prevention initiatives that are designed to improve the health of a community, and will result in a lasting footprint where we live, work and play. Two grant opportunities will be available in 2015 that support healthier communities across Iowa and South Dakota:

  • Healthy Communities Small Grant Program
  • Matching Assets to Community Health (MATCH) Grant Program

Check back after Dec. 1, 2014, for information on these two grant programs.

$59.5 million in Brownfields Grants Available / Thinking of Applying? Brownfields Grant Guidelines Training / 2015 National Brownfields Conference

The N7 (Nike) Fund grant cycle is now open. The application will be available until November 15, 2014, 11:59PM PST. Apply (Thank me if you win….with the amount of shoes I buy my son-I’ve contributed!)

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