Wednesday , 23 October 2024
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Day County Commissioners spent part of last week’s meeting dealing with Hazard Mitgation homes. The commission approved an offer to sell for the Rick and Kathy Breske home and also signed off on a move to buy and then donate the Reuben and Helen Butler home to SD GROW after meeting with the nonprofit economic development agency.

Day County Commission tackles flooded real estate

By George Thompson,  Reporter and Farmer

Day County Commissioners spent part of their Feb. 12 meeting dealing with Hazard Mitigation homes.
The commission approved an offer to sell for the Rick and Kathy Breske home and also signed off on a move to buy and then donate the Reuben and Helen Butler home to SD GROW after meeting with the nonprofit economic development agency.

Both homes were situated west of Waubay along Hwy. 12 and threatened by flood waters. The Breske home has been moved into town, while GROW plans to auction off the Butler residence, which will be moved by the buyer.

States attorney Dan Smeins had some concerns about the county’s liability in donating rather than demolishing the Butler house and said NECOG will have to change the language in the existing agreement before it can be auctioned off.

Any proceeds from the sale would go back to housing development in Day County.

In other action, the commission approved 12 flood abatements in Waubay and another one for the Webster Housing Authority.

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