Thursday , 19 September 2024
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“Faulkton has been blessed with people who want to make things happen," says Record editor Jim Moritz.

A word about Faulk County from Jim Moritz, longtime editor of the Faulk County Record

Jim Moritz, Faulk County Record editor. Submitted photo

Jim Moritz, Faulk County Record editor. Submitted photo

“Faulkton has been blessed with people who want to make things happen. When our hospital was in trouble, administrators, hospital board members, hospital staff and a concerned public determined that what was needed was a new facility — then the people would come. They were right. Now we have one of the nicest hospitals in the area, and it is busy. The same applied to building a new community center, remodeling the Legion Hall, building a new community pool, completely replacing the water delivery system and this past summer renovating the football/baseball field. We have people interested enough in the community, and with a can-do attitude, that has accomplished a lot.

My family has had the paper here since 1977. During that time we have seen a dramatic loss of county population. But in recent years the business climate has improved. We’ve seen the addition of Common Sense Manufacturing, Homan Welding, a new North Central Farmers Elevator plant and improvements at Northern Plains (among others)—all ag-related businesses that have been hiring young people. Along with new hires at the hospital, we are seeing an increase in new students in the first few grades at school. I think that is related to those new jobs and young families.

I’m proud of the people of Faulkton and Faulk County for the progressive attitude they seem to have. Our governing boards (commissioners, school and city) share that spirit.”

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