Wednesday , 23 October 2024
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Voices: How do you engage youth in your community/business/organization?

Voices: How do you engage youth in your community/business/organization?

This question was asked at the September regional roundtable of northeast economic developers. Here are some of their answers. 

If you’d like to answer it as well, go to

  • Volunteer with Junior Achievement
  • BIG Idea Competition
  • Youth on advisory board to get their perspectives
  • Youth on board of community foundation
  • Visit with elementary schools about entrepreneurship, resumes and job interviews
  • Job fair
  • Panel with human resources people with local businesses
  • English as a Second Language classes for kids (as well as college students and workers) from other countries
  • Give graduates $10 gas cards with a Dr. Seuss poem and a note that says, “Here is money for your first tank of gas to get you back home” as an invitation to come back
  • Student interns
  • Have an event to get input from local students on community design project 
  • Middle school tours of industrial park
  • No more “boring” meetings—bonfires, cookouts, etc., instead to recruit more and different people
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