Wednesday , 23 October 2024
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Mary Lou Tastad displays her photos throughout North Dakota, along with her fiancé, Mike Kopp. Sharing the beauty of North Dakota is their passion.



“It was 35 degrees below zero that January morning, and as I approached the church on Highway 200 near Glenfield, N.D., which is a favorite landmark of mine, the sundogs seemed to intensify. When I passed the church and glanced up, the cross was illuminated perfectly! It spoke to me with a glowing warmth, contrasting the frigid, crisp surroundings. I turned my Jeep around, headed back and stopped. One quick shot. Within seconds the sundogs were gone.”

—Mary Lou Tastad

Mary Lou Tastad displays her photos throughout North Dakota, along with her fiancé, Mike Kopp.  Sharing the beauty of North Dakota is their passion. They are best known for their collection, Beautiful Bakken (


“Perspective” shares a unique viewpoint of life in the Dakotas through photography or art. Are you a photographer or artist who would like to submit an image for consideration?
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