Thursday , 17 October 2024
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left to right, are Josh Sieverding, Kenny Reed and Ben Geppert, shown by ‘the whip’ on the fiberglass antenna’s base they replaced. They returned to Clark on Friday to troubleshoot the antenna they replaced on the water tower.
left to right, are Josh Sieverding, Kenny Reed and Ben Geppert, shown by ‘the whip’ on the fiberglass antenna’s base they replaced. They returned to Clark on Friday to troubleshoot the antenna they replaced on the water tower.

left to right, are Josh Sieverding, Kenny Reed and Ben Geppert, shown by ‘the whip’ on the fiberglass antenna’s base they replaced. They returned to Clark on Friday to troubleshoot the antenna they replaced on the water tower.

left to right, are Josh Sieverding, Kenny Reed and Ben Geppert, shown by ‘the whip’ on the fiberglass antenna’s base they replaced. They returned to Clark on Friday to troubleshoot the antenna they replaced on the water tower.

On left to right, are Josh Sieverding, Kenny Reed and Ben Geppert, shown by ‘the whip’ on the fiberglass antenna’s base they replaced. They returned to Clark on Feb. 5 to troubleshoot the antenna they replaced on the water tower. Photo by Clark County Courier

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