Friday , 26 July 2024


Dakotafire seeks images from artists, photographers

South Dakota gravel road during a mild winter. Photo by Heidi Marttila-Losure.

Every other issue of Dakotafire magazine features a section called “Perspective.” The goal of this section is to highlight a scene or work of art that shows some insight into Dakota life. The section also includes space for the artist or photographer to share a little bit about his or her perspective on the world, and more specifically how he ... Read More »

Effective framing paints clearer picture of rural issues

What is rural? A table of six young leaders from across America hashed out the definition of the word “rural” during Young Leader’s Day at the National Rural Assembly in Washington, D.C. In a framing exercise, we discussed what we most want policymakers to know about the places that, to us, epitomize the institution of “rural,” as well as the ... Read More »

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