SANTA MADE AN early stop in Bristol on Dec. 1 as the community held their annual stop and shop day. Santa listened to children’s requests for Christmas and handed out treats to the good little boys and girls. Henry Witt tells Santa what she wants for Christmas. Photo by John Suhr/Reporter & Farmer
SANTA MADE AN early stop in Bristol on Dec. 1 as the community held their annual stop and shop day. Santa listened to children’s requests for Christmas and handed out treats to the good little boys and girls. Henry Witt tells Santa what she wants for Christmas. Photo by John Suhr/Reporter & Farmer
By Heidi Marttila-Losure
December 18, 2012
SANTA MADE AN early stop in Bristol on Dec. 1 as the community held their annual stop and shop day. Santa listened to children’s requests for Christmas and handed out treats to the good little boys and girls. Henry Witt tells Santa what she wants for Christmas. Photo by John Suhr/Reporter & Farmer