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The 2013 Clark County Farm and Home Show will be held January 19 in Willow Lake from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Clark County Farm and Home Show is January 19

By Clark County Courier
January means it is Clark County Farm and Home Show time. The 2013 Farm and Home Show will be held January 19 in Willow Lake.

Starting at 10 a.m. and finishing with a 5 p.m. door prize drawing time, several programs are planned, interspersed with entertainment. There is no admission charge.

Home economic and crop exhibits to be judged may be dropped off at the show from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Alternatively, exhibitors may contact the Extension Office to make arrangements to have goods transported to the show.

Entries can be made in several classes, including foods and canned foods, homecrafts, needlecrafts, clothing, photography and crops. Only Clark County residents will be allowed to enter home economics exhibits. All crops entered must have been grown in Clark County in 2012. Pre-registration of exhibits is not necessary and there is no entry fee.

“We will still have all the Home Exhibit lots and the Crop Show lots that we encourage our local people to participate in,” says Clark County Extension 4-H Program Advisor, Kim McGraw.

“We have many talented people in Clark County and would like to see them share some of their talents with us.”

There is room for not only crafts and needlework, but also food and photography lots. All lot numbers can be obtained by contacting the Extension Office.

Local farmers and youth are encouraged to exhibit in the Crop Show, where there are lots from all local crops in addition to Hay and Silage lots.

Tentative programs include “So, I have an iPad: Now what?” presented by Hector Serna, WLHS principal at 11:00 a.m. and “Residues and Roots” presented by Nathan Mueller, SDSU Extension State Agronomist, to begin at 1:00 p.m. An awards program, recognition of Farm Safety Posters and presentation of the Crop Improvement Scholarship and door prizes is scheduled for 4:00 p.m.

The Farm and Home Show is being sponsored by the Clark County Crop Improvement Association, Willow Lake Lions and the Clark County Homemakers Clubs.

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