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Go Local in the Dakota Local Food Challenge!


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Sept. 6-19, 2014

What is the Dakota Local Food Challenge?

The Dakota Local Food Challenge is a way for people in the Dakotas to get better connected to the land and the people who produce our food by eating food produced locally for two weeks in September (Saturday, Sept. 6, through Friday, Sept. 19). Participants will (briefly) chart their local foodiness each day on a calendar, downloadable here (SOON!), and then either e-mail or mail that calendar back to us the week following the challenge.

What will I get if I take part?

Everyone who completes a calendar will get a fun “I WENT LOCAL” T-shirt, and their names will also be put in a drawing to win other prizes. Moreover, you’ll also get a greater appreciation of your place in the world of agriculture and a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Some others who have taken part in local food challenges report other benefits such as feeling healthier, losing weight, and making friends—though we’re only guaranteeing the T-shirt.

See more details here!

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