Saturday , 7 September 2024
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“Matilda,” known on noncontest days as Gary Mikkonen, won the Miss Finn contest with his–er, her–beaming smile. Photo courtesy
"Matilda," known on noncontest days as Gary Mikkonen, won the Miss Finn contest with his--er, her--beaming smile. Photo courtesy

“Matilda,” known on noncontest days as Gary Mikkonen, won the Miss Finn contest with his–er, her–beaming smile. Photo courtesy

"Matilda," known on noncontest days as Gary Mikkonen, won the Miss Finn contest with his--er, her--beaming smile. Photo courtesy

“Matilda,” known on noncontest days as Gary Mikkonen, won the Miss Finn contest with his–er, her–beaming smile. Photo courtesy

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