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Join us for the next Dakotafire Café in Miller, S.D.

Our next Dakotafire Café event will be in Miller, S.D., where we gather in conversation around the topic of youth empowerment.

This is the last event that is part of the Prairie Idea Exchange [1], a grant-funded projected intended to share fruitful, community-building ideas across northeastern South Dakota and beyond.

Read on as Tammy Caffee, executive director of On Hand Development Corporation, invites you to attend!


The art of making a great pie is getting lost—some say it’s because no one uses lard for the crust, or that the crust is handled too much and others say it’s because it’s just too easy to buy the crust. A great pie of course starts with a flaky, golden brown crust that melts in your mouth!. Then there’s the filling – cherry, blueberry, apple, pumpkin, pecan, banana cream, sour cream raisin —so many to choose from and so little time—are you drooling yet?

But the “PIE” I’m talking about today isn’t the dessert—the “PIE” I’m talking about stands for Prairie Idea Exchange, and it’s coming to Miller!

The Prairie Idea Exchange has four parts: 1) A gathering of economic development professionals; 2) Reporting in Dakotafire magazine; 3) Community input – online, on postcards, on the forum page (www.pie4.us) and in person at a Dakotafire Café event; 4) And with a final report in the magazine that reflects the feedback.

Miller has an opportunity to be a part of the “PIE” forum through a Dakotafire Café event scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 5, at the Community Center in Miller. On Hand Development will host this event where youth and adults come together to help shape the future of Miller. We cordially invite you to this event—we would love to hear your opinions and insight—the “filling” of our pie!

Our “PIE” event will focus on the theme of “Youth Empowerment.” It is exciting to think about our youth taking leadership roles in the Miller community! The best asset a small town has is its youth. We are hopeful the youth in Miller will continue to be involved with the Shop Local campaign as well as venturing into a first entrepreneurship competition in early spring. We believe that youth offer enthusiasm, great ideas, and the energy to take us into the future. In fact, they are the “ala mode” to our pie!

So now that pie is fresh in your mind, think about coming to our PIE forum—and you guessed it—we are serving pie for dessert!


Actual pie will be served!

Actual pie will be served!