- Green Spark 1: Use Passive Solar.
- Green Spark 2: Recycle What You Can.
- Green Spark 3: Recycle Creatively.
- Green Spark 4: Consider Powering Your Business with the Sun.
- Green Spark 5: Upcycle.
- Green Spark 6: Go Geothermal.
- Green Spark 7: Find Common Ground on Net Metering.
- Green Spark 8: Get an Energy Audit.
- Green Spark 9: Recycle and Make Money for Your Community.
- Green Spark 10: Use Reusable Bags.
- Green Spark 11: Encourage New Mothers to Breastfeed.
- Green Spark 12: Make Sleeping Mats From Plastic Bags to Help the Environment and Others.
- Recycling paper and aluminum cans to help fund the new aquatic center in Webster, thanks to the hard work of Webster Aquatic Venture for Excellence (WAVE). Not only is it an innovative way to raise money, but it’s also a great way to kickstart recycling in Webster.
- Recycling Campbell’s soup labels, Land O’ Lakes milk and orange juice caps and Box Tops for Education to help raise money for Webster Area School. With brands like General Mills, Pillsbury, Green Giant, Nestle, Kimberly-Clark, Land O’ Lakes, and more, it’s hard not to save these to help our school! I hope these fundraising/recycling ideas help other communities!
—Melissa F2