- Green Spark 1: Use Passive Solar. [2]
- Green Spark 2: Recycle What You Can. [3]
- Green Spark 3: Recycle Creatively. [4]
- Green Spark 4: Consider Powering Your Business with the Sun. [5]
- Green Spark 5: Upcycle. [6]
- Green Spark 6: Go Geothermal. [7]
- Green Spark 7: Find Common Ground on Net Metering. [8]
- Green Spark 8: Get an Energy Audit. [9]
- Green Spark 9: Recycle and Make Money for Your Community. [10]
- Green Spark 10: Use Reusable Bags. [11]
- Green Spark 11: Encourage New Mothers to Breastfeed. [12]
- Green Spark 12: Make Sleeping Mats From Plastic Bags to Help the Environment and Others. [13]
I breastfed both of our kids. There was no waste from formula packaging, and I did not have to throw out bottles of formula that were not completely consumed within a certain period of time.
—Suzy G